
Dr. Ray Baldwin: Czas na Uzdrowienie

Dr Ray Baldwin podkreśla znaczenie odżywiania i detoksykacji w leczeniu raka, opowiadając się za eliminacją cukrów i ciężkich potraw, jednocześnie promując surową, naturalną dietę. Podkreśla zastosowanie kwasu solnego, enzymów trzustkowych oraz różnych metod detoksykacji, w tym terapii jelita grubego i terapii ozonowej w celu zwalczania infekcji grzybiczych. Baldwin dzieli się przypadkami poszczególnych pacjentów, ilustrując zarówno wyzwania, jak i sukcesy, takie jak przypadek 43-letniej kobiety z zaawansowanym rakiem piersi oraz mężczyzny, który wyzdrowiał z raka żołądka po tym, jak został wysłany do domu na hospicjum. Podkreśla konieczność przestrzegania zaleceń przez pacjentów i przytacza przypowieść o dwóch braciach, aby podkreślić potrzebę dokładnego przygotowania w leczeniu. Ostatecznie zachęca praktyków do inwestowania czasu w zrozumienie i poprawę zdrowia metabolicznego pacjentów w celu osiągnięcia lepszych wyników.

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  • Skupić się na eliminacji cukrów i ciężkich potraw z diety pacjentów.
  • Zachęcać do surowej, naturalnej diety wraz z kwasem solnym i enzymami trzustkowymi.
  • Detoksykacja jest kluczowa; metody obejmują zioła, płukania wątroby i lewatywy kawowe.
  • Terapia jelita grubego jest oferowana bezpłatnie dla pacjentów z rakiem przez lokalnego praktyka.
  • Płyn Tian Xian wspomaga detoksykację i inne terapie.
  • Wykorzystać terapię ozonową do zwalczania infekcji grzybiczych u pacjentów.
  • Promować odżywianie, ćwiczenia oraz zaprzestanie spożywania alkoholu i tytoniu.
  • Dyskutować o indywidualnych przypadkach pacjentów, w tym o 43-letniej kobiecie z zaawansowanym rakiem piersi.
  • Podkreślić historię Dona Parsona, który wyzdrowiał z raka żołądka po tym, jak został wysłany do domu na opiekę paliatywną.
  • Podzielić się znaczeniem przestrzegania zaleceń przez pacjentów w leczeniu dla lepszych wyników.
  • Wprowadzić przypowieść o dwóch braciach, aby zilustrować potrzebę dokładnego przygotowania w leczeniu.
  • Zachęcać praktyków do inwestowania czasu w zrozumienie i rozwiązanie problemów metabolicznych pacjentów.


Our first speaker is Doctor Ray Baldwin from the United States. Doctor Ray Baldwin is the current director of international. I hope my speech goes faster than that. I think I'm supposed to wait till that gets done. I'm not sure, but I think so anyway. Now that you've seen that beautiful face, we can go on.

If you will do the first slide, please. Normally, as you all know, if any of you have heard me speak, I like to have two or three hours to speak, but since they've heard me so many times that it's boring, they've only given me 30 minutes, so I better start moving there. I want to thank all of you for inviting me to speak at this conference. It's an honor to be back among friends that I consider friends that I started meeting at the beginning of the year. And so I just want you to know that now let's see if we got things going here. I think I've already been introduced.

I've spent about 25 years of my life, maybe even longer, dealing with alternative medicine, mainly. A lot of it was, in the United States, is one of our number one killers, is cardiovascular disease and heart attacks and strokes. So I had spent much of my life dealing with that, with alternative procedures. And it was early in this year that I became a part of the Tian Xian family. And actually, as Doctor Wang had said, the person that was responsible for actually introducing me to the Tian Xian family was Doctor Halstead. And he was a great man.

He was right up the street from me in my clinic, and he introduced me to the Tian Xian family. We were good friends. And so I do have to pay. I want to pay homage and respect to his passing also. It was a great loss. So at that time, I met Mister Liu and Michael Miguel, Charles Lee.

And, you know, I have to be really honest with you, it's very hard to treat cancer in the United States in an alternative approach. I probably won't follow all of these slides because the thing I'm trying to say is that in the United States, they don't like you to treat cancer with an alternative approach. And I had worked in some clinics before in my life where doctors had tried to treat cancer with alternative medicine, and I really didn't feel that it was very effective, so I kind of stayed away from it, to be honest with you. And it's like, Doctor Halstead, I don't know if many of you knew this, but he was a great physician.

Actually taught at one of the big medical schools in the United States, and he actually lost his license about 15 years ago and was put in jail for treating cancer. And they only want you to do radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy. That's all they want you to do. And if you try to do anything outside of that, then you're going to be cited by either the medical board or the FDA, and they will take your license. But anyway, I met the Tian Xian family, and I think you can move that if you want to.

I met the Tian Xian family, and I was very impressed. And they, after meeting with them, they asked me if I would be willing to use the product that they were offering, which was the Tian Xian liquid on some cancer patients in my clinic. And they also wanted to know that since I had a background in alternative medicine, if I would be interested in trying to teach or show other doctors in the United States how to use the products. And they invited me to come to China. And as I did in Mayenne, I came to China with a group of our people, Doctor Hallstead included, and I met Doctor Wang.

I met a lot of different doctors in China, in Hong Kong and Japan was reintroduced to Doctor Abba, who I had met earlier. So that was my first real contact with the Tian Xian liquid. Obviously, I was impressed with what I saw. And the big problem I had was that I really wasn't treating cancer in my clinic. And it's ironic because when I got back, I had two or three people that had called into my clinic and had cancer.

So I knew that when I got back to the clinic that I had to try and dig deeper into what I felt. And this is actually the title of my speech, it's a time to heal, that I felt that I owed it to the patients in society to try and actually dig deeper into people's health problems and see if there was something that we could do. The problem I have in my clinic, as most of my patients come to me, they come as a last resort. People in the United States do not seek, although it's getting better, they do not seek alternative care until it's a last resort.

They've tried everything else, and when that has failed, then they seem to seek us out. So when I got back, I did have some cancer victims in my clinic, and as my speech says here, I will try and get back to them later. But anyway, when I started to treat these cancer victims, I realized that I studied oriental medicine a long time ago, and I realized that there's always a deep-seated or a deep-rooted problem before people get cancer. In fact, all of us really have cancer cells in us today.

And so basically, I thought, well, why don't we try and prevent it? Why don't we do things to try and prevent it? Instead of putting so much pressure on the Tian Xian liquid to cure cancer, why don't we try to educate the people into using the Tian Xian liquid and other modalities to try and prevent cancer? So anyway, I remember an old doctor in Texas years ago told me, he said, Ray, if you ever get into cancer treatment, he said, remember, the best answer is to try and prevent it.

So I sat down, and if you stop and think about it, and I'm not sure how it is in the Orient, but in the United States, cancer is not. The incident of cancer is not decreased by the use of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. It doesn't decrease the amount of cancer that we're dealing with in our country. And, you know, we're pretty intelligent people, especially the medical profession, they say they are, and you would stop. You would want, you would wonder why they don't stop.

And look at the fact that those three things are not actually causing cancer. There's something else that's causing it. And of course, they're treating it with what we call a band-aid. So once you get the cancer, then, yes, we can treat it. They do not ever take a look at what can we do to prevent it.

So anyway, there are a lot of doctors in the United States that are actually putting on seminars that are trying to teach the medical profession to try and prevent cancer. And one of the things that you must realize is that cancer cannot exist with a fully functional immune system. You go with me. That's fine. Stay with me. That it cannot exist if you have a fully functional immune system.

So why don't we take a look at the immune system? Why don't we deal with things that tear up our immune system? So, as I said, and I'll be repeated here, because I guess I got ahead of myself, all of us have cancer cells in our body, but all of us have an immune system. And if that immune system is intact, then you should never really come in contact with cancer where it can actually be a demise to your life.

Now, Tian Xian liquid focuses on the treatment of cancer. And I've done that. I'm doing it right now. But I want to spend some time, especially for the people that are physicians, that we need to spend more time talking to the people about preventing it. So one of the first things that will blow your immune system away is your nutrition.

And in our country, we spend way, way, way too much money on food that is not good for our system, the main thing is sugar, and it's at the top of the list. All of the doctors that teach us about the immune system in the United States will come to this fact. And one of the reasons you have to figure out why. Why does sugar create such a problem? And one of the things that it does do is it creates an acid floor in the body. And cancer, well, all cancer victims, when they come into our clinic, when we start to examine them, they're very acidic.

So one of the things that we try to do, obviously, when they come in, is we try and change that forum. Fatty red meats create acid, refined foods. And the other big thing is, and this is another very big thing, is the fact that if there's a lack of oxygen in our body, all cancer loves to exist in a field of hypoxia, which means a lack of oxygen. And one of the things that happens with the lack of oxygen, it is actually aggravated by heavy metals.

So we deal with the fact that people have mercury in their mouth, they have arsenic in their drinking water. We have lead, cadmium, and a lot of these toxic metals in our products, and we try to get rid of that. The next step would be that a lot of people, because we've had a tendency to overcook our foods. Instead of eating raw foods, which we should eat more of, we've had a tendency to actually deplete our body or our stomach, actually, in hydrochloric acid, which is a very big factor in digesting and breaking down foods.

There are actually some doctors in the United States that have actually cancer in remission by the use of hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes. They actually take a stress off of the body. If the food is not completely broken down when it gets into the system, it will cause an allergic reaction. And of course, again, it starts to work on the immune system in our clinic. There are so many clinics in the United States that are into alternative medicine.

We use a dark field microscope, and the dark field microscope actually allows us to take a sample of the blood. And when we sample this blood, one of the things that we find is that there's an extreme amount of debris in the bloodstream, one of those being funguses, viruses, and actually a lot of bacteria that shouldn't be there. We see a lot of things. I have. I think I have some slides at this time that have some of our dark film on it. Is that right, Karina? Is it there? Is there some slides with some pictures of the dark field microscope on there in the next slide.

What? Yes, these are. These are going to be three people that I actually brought over here. All of these people are cancer victims. One of the things that you will see. I'm sorry, but one of the things that you will see is these dark areas in between the red blood cell. That's a red blood cell. These are fungus. This is fungus. And invariably, every cancer victim that we've tested with the dark field microscope are full of funguses.

Now, remember, you got to go back to the immune system again. And one of the things that will destroy the immune system is fungus. So I have three people here. They all have been on Tian Xian liquid. I think you can go to the next slide, please. Is there another one? This is the form of debris that we see in these red blood cells. Did I put my case histories in the slides? I didn't. They are in there. Okay.

If you'll keep going. This is. This is the form of debris that we see in the dark field microscope. This. Let's see. I guess the name isn't on there, I think. Okay. This was a 66-year-old woman. Obviously, I hate to tell you this. She is. She did not live. But here, again, when this woman presented to our clinic, she was 66 years old.

She was in a wheelchair. She had went through every form of treatment there was, except surgery. She had chemo and radiation. They brought her in a wheelchair, and she decided that she wanted alternative medicine at this time. So we did. We started to treat her with feet. We treated her with Tian Xian liquid and some other things, but the woman couldn't even keep food down.

And so we were keeping her alive with IVs, and we finally sent her for a CAT scan. And she had cancer in her stomach, her pancreas, her liver, and her uterus. It was completely through her whole body. And so this is the thing that's very depressing for me. And this is one of the reasons why I kind of stayed away from cancer all my life.

These people were too far gone. And, you know, you sit down with the family and you try to tell them, you know, what you can do and what you can't do. But this woman only lived a week after I saw her, so we didn't even get a chance to really treat her. But this is the kind of stuff that's in her blood. Can you go to the next slide, please? Who's the next one? Do you have the name? Oh, yes. This is a 55-year-old man.

He is alive. And actually, if I guess, you know, we never use the word cure, but if you can use the word remission. He had cancer of the testicles, and they did remove the testicle, and then we treated him. However, he continues to. His immune system is never really fully recovered, and he has a tendency to go into remission, especially if he starts to. If his diet gets fouled up and if he eats too much sugar, if he starts to maybe get off.

Because he's almost a vegetarian, I try to keep him as a vegetarian. And so this man is still alive. And I think that as far as I know, we're going to keep him alive for a long time, because he does comply. And he comes into our clinic regularly, and I just saw him before I left, and he sometimes gets tired or whatever, but he is alive. Next slide, please.

This is a lot of these funguses and stuff that you see in the blood. This woman. Let's see. This woman did not have cancer. This woman came in, she was about 50 years old, did not have enough energy to get out of bed. Now, this woman will eventually end up having cancer, as far as I'm concerned, because her whole family was undergoing some form of distress where they did not have enough energy hardly to make it through the day.

So what we did is we did the dark field on her, and we found out that she was full of fungus. And we did run a blood test. And one of the things that destroy the immune system very quickly is a virus. It's called the Epstein Barr virus. It's actually a herpes. And in our country, it used to be called a kissing disease. It's also mononucleosis.

It's a very strong virus. Once it gets in the system, it really harbors there forever. You can titer it and bring it down with rest and nutrition and vitamins and minerals, but it never, ever leaves. It always titers. Well, this woman was titering so high that it was unbelievable. We did not bring our attention liquid, but we did put her on a lot of our protocols to actually get rid of the virus that was attacking her at this time in goard, one of the next things that obviously is a big destroyer of the immune system is stressed.

And I don't know about the rest of you, but if you can show me somebody that doesn't have stress, I'd like to see who they are, because I think that that probably, in the United States, is probably one of the biggest destroyers of our life, of our health. Anyway, the stress now. So let's get back to Tian Xian liquid for a while. Actually, I'm here because I believe in Tian Xian liquid.

But I'm also here because I believe that Tian Xian liquid should have the help that we can give it as health practitioners, as people in the health field. And so that's what I'm trying to convince everybody here this morning, that if you're going to use Tian Xian liquid, at least sit down with the person or the patient and try to get them to change their lifestyle. And of course, we do that. One of the first things that we do is we sit down and we try to correct. We don't. We do. I mean, we correct the person's diet. We put them on diets.

We get them off of all of the sugars I was talking about. We get them off of all of the heavy foods and try to get them into a more raw, natural diet. With that, we do. We use a lot of hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes. And of course, one of the greatest things to help anybody's health problem is to detoxify them. So with that, we use herbs and we use liver flushes, we use coffee enemas.

We use all of our cancer victims, go under what is called colon therapy. We have a woman that's a great lady in our neighborhood. It's not in my clinic, but she's right down the street. And she treats all my cancer patients for nothing. She treats them free with colon therapy. One of the biggest things in the world is to treat the liver and detoxify it.

It enhances the Tian Xian liquid and any other products that you want to use. And, of course, fungus. Now, I know that what I'm going to say now is probably going to be foreign to most of you, but I use a product that I have an instrument from Germany, and it's called an ozone instrument. And what we do is we actually manufacture ozone from oxygen. And then we inject it into the body. And with that, the ozone will kill the fungus, will alleviate the fungus in these people, obviously, with all of the other things.

Okay, so we've talked about, you know, that we want to do nutrition, herbs, foods. We like the people, if they're too heavy, we try to get their weight down. We get them on exercise, we get them off of alcohol, we get them off of tobacco. The next four people that I talk about are all intention liquid. All of them are alive. One of them, this lady here.

This is a very sad case, though. I mean, I haven't got her under. I haven't got rid of it. She's 43 years old with breast cancer. The problem is this woman waited four years before she came to my office. So when we examined her breast, it was just totally full of cancer.

She's a very healthy looking lady. She decided that she would not do chemo, radiation, and she's on our program. The problem is that I've got a pickup for four years, and that's a lot to ask of a body that's been battered with cancer for four years. However, she's not. She's not progressing. We've had her on tangent liquid now for probably in two, three months.

Her cancer is not progressing. However, I'm not really satisfied with the fact that I don't have the cancer in remission yet, and if anybody's got any other suggestions, I'll be glad to listen. Don Parson is my next patient. There will be a picture of him. This is him now. When he came to our clinic, he was there when I came back.

He's been with me since May. He weighed 90 pounds. He has cancer, the stomach. And here's the story. This is the story that you doctors have all heard it, I'm sure. He had cancer, this stomach. A couple years ago. They went in and removed about two thirds of his stomach and told him they had it. It was gone a year ago. It came back. It wasn't gone because nobody had done anything to treat it, what they done as a surgery.

So they started on chemotherapy. When he came in, that picture was not his first picture. I wish I'd had one when first started. When I brought him out into, I have a central treating room where I bring all my people together, and there's chairs where they get IVs and stuff like that. So I have 1215 chairs where people can actually talk and everything.

When I brought him into the center room out of my conference room, I think the people just about fainted because it looked like he was dying. He looked like he'd been in a concentration camp for about two or three years, and he was in a wheelchair. And so we started treating him, and we treated him with Tian Xian liquid and, you know, detoxification, nutrition. And he's probably one of my. Probably one of my success cases to this point.

He does everything I say, and that's kind of important because a lot of people don't want to change their lifestyle. They just don't. They think that they're going to live forever. And finally, when they get the message, they think, oh, well, somebody is going to take care of me, and I don't have to worry. But he does everything we say, and he's still alive, and he probably will be alive for a long time because I'm certain.

Here's the funny part of it. I'll tell you this story for just a second. Am I running out of time? Probably. He actually went back when they sent him home. They sent him home. We have a thing called hospice. They send you home to die. And that's when I got him. They sent him home to hospice, which they usually give him about 30 days. After about 60 days, he went back to his doctor and they scoped him again.

They went down inside of him, and his tumor was gone. And here's the beautiful thing. The doctor says, well, you know, it must have been that chemotherapy they gave me three months ago that got rid of the tumor. So I will never, ever admit I, that there's anything else that can work. And, you know, I mean, I don't know if they'll ever change. I don't know.

But anyway, the man's still alive. I'll go fast. The next lady is a 65 year old woman. Dottie has had a lot of immunodeficiency syndromes. She's on the, actually on Tian Xian liquid. She does not really present as cancer. She's just full of all kinds of, I think she was probably going to run into cancer. She's also a cardiac case. She's on Tian Xian. Look what she's doing. Fine. She follows everything I say.

Next lady is Geneva Jones. If you want to keep moving, I'm going to run out of time. Geneva Jones has breast cancer. Geneva just started with us. She had, she did have surgery. They took out a tumor of her breast. Thank God they didn't remove the whole breast. But anyway, they told her they had it. Same story. Six months later, she comes in and she says, I just went back and they told me that the tumor is back and they're going to get radiation, and I don't want it.

So she's just started with us. She's on tangent liquid in the products, and we will see how she does Nix, if you want to keep going here. All right, this is a story, and then I'm going to get off of here. As you all know that I have a very deep love for Chinese medicine. I studied Chinese medicine in 1975, and our master told us his story.

Now you got to get this story, because I've never forgotten it. And that is, he said that there was two young brothers that wanted a field. They wanted to buy some land. So their father went to the edge of town and he bought them each a piece of land. It was equal amounts of land. The problem is that the land was full of shrubberies and rocks and stones and everything. It was just nothing but depleted soil.

So he drew a line down the middle, and the one son says, well, I'm going to start planting my wheat. So he went to town and he bought his wheat and went out into the field that was full of rocks and stones and shrubbery and everything, and he planted his wheat. The other brother, being more patient, looked at his field and said, you know, there's something wrong with this field. And if I plant this wheat, how could it grow in such an environment?

So he spent a whole year going in there and he cleaned out the rocks and he cleaned out the shrubbery and he cleaned out all of the junk and he made a beautiful field. So at the end of the year, the one brother went to harvest his wheat and he couldn't harvest it. It was full of junk and stones and everything. And so he lost all of his wheat, while the other brother had a beautiful field of wheat after he'd spent the time to clean up the field. That's what I'd like to ask you all to do today with your patients.

Take the time to look at their body, look at their metabolism, clean it up, work with them, use the Tian Xian liquid and you'll get a lot better results. Thank you. Thank you, Doctor Ray Baldwin.

Inne Filmy