
Dr Andy Sun PhD: Tian Xian i jego Właściwości Przeciwnowotworowe

Dr Andy Sun z Tajwanu zaprezentował badanie dotyczące wpływu płynu Tian Xian, ekstraktu z chińskich ziół leczniczych, na dysfunkcję immunologiczną i indukcję komórek nowotworowych. Przez trzy lata zespół badawczy płynu Tian Xian przeprowadzał eksperymenty badające jego właściwości immunomodulujące i zabijające guzy. Odkryli, że płyn Tian Xian może zarówno zwiększać, jak i tłumić odpowiedź limfoproliferacyjną oraz wydzielanie cytokin w komórkach immunologicznych pacjentów z nawracającymi owrzodzeniami i chorobami autoimmunologicznymi. Co ważne, zwiększył aktywność immunologiczną przeciwko liniom komórkowym nowotworów, sugerując jego potencjał jako immunomodulującego agenta w terapii nowotworowej. Badania podkreślają podwójną rolę płynu Tian Xian w regulowaniu odpowiedzi immunologicznych, oferując nowe spojrzenie na jego zastosowania w leczeniu zaburzeń związanych z układem immunologicznym oraz nowotworami.

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  • Wprowadzenie Prelegenta: Dr Andy Sun z Tajwanu omawia wpływ płynu Tian Xian na dysfunkcję immunologiczną, modulację i indukcję komórek nowotworowych.
  • Zespół Badawczy: Prezentację prowadzi zespół badawczy płynu Tian Xian kierowany przez Andersona Jianga.
  • Przegląd Badania: Przeprowadzono eksperymenty przez trzy lata skupiające się na odpowiedzi limfoproliferacyjnej, wydzielaniu cytokin i aktywności komórek NK pod wpływem płynu Tian Xian.
  • Skład Płynu Tian Xian: Ekstrakt z chińskich ziół leczniczych zawierający aktywne składniki, takie jak Csod, Ipl, Pu, Ra, Pg i inne znane z właściwości przeciwnowotworowych.
  • Efekty Farmakologiczne:
    • Zwiększa aktywność komórek NK oraz wydzielanie cytokin (np. IL-1, IL-2, IFN-gamma).
    • Wykazuje zarówno efekty immunopotencjonujące, jak i immunosupresyjne.
  • Cele Badawcze:
    • Ocena moderacji proliferacji PBMC i komórek T stymulowanych antygenami u pacjentów z nawracającymi owrzodzeniami lub schorzeniami autoimmunologicznymi.
    • Ocena modulacji wydzielania cytokin w odpowiedzi na antygeny.
    • Badanie zabijania linii komórkowych nowotworów przez różne komórki immunologiczne pod wpływem płynu Tian Xian.
  • Profile Pacjentów: Zawiera pacjentów z nawracającymi owrzodzeniami (infekcje wirusowe/bakteryjne) i chorobami autoimmunologicznymi, takimi jak erozyjny liszaj płaski.
  • Substancje Kontrolne: W badaniach wykorzystano ASCC i PSP jako substancje porównawcze.
  • Stymulacja Antygenowa: Użyto różnych antygenów (PHA, SEB, CTB, toksyna tężcowa) do wywołania odpowiedzi immunologicznych.
  • Pomiar Cytokin: Analizowano IL-2, IFN-gamma, TNF-alfa, IL-6 i inne w odpowiedzi na leczenie.
  • Kluczowe Odkrycia:
    • Płyn Tian Xian może zwiększać lub hamować odpowiedzi immunologiczne stymulowane antygenami.
    • Wykazuje znaczące efekty na wydzielanie cytokin i zabijanie komórek nowotworowych (np. komórki K562).
  • Wnioski: Płyn Tian Xian działa jako immunomodulator w obu kierunkach, potencjalnie korzystny w terapii nowotworowej.
  • Certyfikaty i Uznania: Dr Sun otrzymał różne nagrody za wkład w immunologię i naukę medyczną.
  • Przegląd Szpitala: Prezentacja wspomina o Narodowym Uniwersytecie Medycznym w Tajwanie, podkreślając jego znaczenie historyczne i badawcze.


Our next speaker is Doctor Andy Sun from Taiwan. It's my pleasure to present papers about the effect of Tian Xian Liquid on immune dysfunction, immune modulation, and the induction of cancer cell lines. We basically study the Kensington Liquid effect; it's our Tian Xian Liquid research team. My name is Anderson Jiang Zhu Bin. Next please.

In the past three years, we conducted numerous experiments to test the Tian Xian Liquid effect on lymphoproliferative response, cytokine secretion, and natural killer activity by immunocompetent cells. The font is very important: Tian Xian Liquid has both immunomodulating and tumor cell-killing functions. Direct tumor cell killing is a key aspect of Tangent Liquid, which is an extract of Chinese medicinal herbs and has been used as an anti-cancer agent for more than ten years. Next please.

The slide shows the major ingredients of Tangent Liquid: Csod, Ipl, Pu, Ra, Pg, SNL, PC, Amr, Tr, Cr, M, Ll, A, E, R, etc. Next please. This Tian Xian Liquid supplement includes various ingredients such as Dong Chong Xiao, Hua Qing Dai, Zhu Lin, Huang Qi, Luncheon, Longkui, Huojiang, Baizhu, Tianhufen, Wei Lingxiang, Zheng Zhu Nu, Zheng Zi, and Ganshao. Next please.

All of these major ingredients of Tangent Liquid have anti-cancer effects. This picture shows the pharmacology and immunology effects of major ingredients of Tangent Liquid, such as CSRA, pGGR, which can increase major killer activity. Additionally, Od can increase CTL activity, while Csod, APL, purapg, and Amr trailhead can enhance phagocytosis. Furthermore, cSGR can increase interleukin-1 secretion, and RapGGR can increase interferon gamma secretion. Next please.

CSOD, Amr, and Lagr can enhance anti-inflammatory effects, while CSOD, Ipl, pura, pg, and pClA can increase lymphoproliferation. CSOD, Ipl, pura, pG, and Amr can also increase immunopotentiation, while CSputr can enhance immune suppression and immunomodulation. Next please. On the other hand, CSRL can suppress interleukin tumor secretion, Tr can suppress anti-inflammation, and Cxratr can suppress lymphoproliferation. Next please.

Because Tian Xian Liquid has both immunopotentiation and immunosuppression effects, it may be used as an immunomodulating agent to restore cellular and human immunity. Next please. The purpose of the Tian Xian Liquid study was to test whether Tian Xian Liquid can moderate the antigen-stimulated proliferative response of PBMC or T cells isolated from patients with recurrent absorbed oscillation (Reu) or Elogen or lichen patients. Next please.

The second aim was to test whether Tian Xian Liquid can modulate the antigen-stimulated cytokine secretion by PBMC or T cells isolated from Reu or EOLP patients. Next please. The third goal was to test whether Tian Xian Liquid can moderate the killing of tumor cell lines mediated by PBMC, CD4 depleted PBMC, CDA depleted PBMC, purified T cells, and purified CDA positive cells isolated from Reu or Elogen or lichen participants. Next please.

The study subjects consist of three parts: the first group includes patients with recurrent ulcerative conditions, the second consists of patients with erosion or lichen planus, and the third is a normal healthy control group. Recurrent ulcers may be due to viral or bacterial infections resulting in temporary dysfunction of T cells. Meanwhile, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by persistent T cell dysfunction and transformation of mucosal lesions. We selected two different patient profiles to assess the effects of Tian Xian Liquid. Next please.

The first group may exhibit worse-induced dysfunction, while the second may display autoimmune disease characteristics. Next please. The samples used include peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), CD4 depleted PBMC, CDA depleted PBMC, purified T cells, and purified CDA positive cells. Next please.

We selected ASCC as a control. ASCC is very popular worldwide; it's an extract from Marshall and made in Japan. It serves as a modulating agent alongside Tian Xian Liquid. Next please. ASCC is an active compound derived from co-cultured species of various DL mysteries. It is also known for its anticancer properties. We also utilized another well-known extract, PSP, as a control. Next please.

We used various antigens including PHA, SEB, Staphylococcal enterotoxin B, tetanus toxoid, and streptococcal mutants to stimulate the proliferative response and cytokine secretion by PBMC or T cells. Next please. We measured cytokines including interleukin-2, interferon gamma, interleukin-10, human necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8. These cytokines are pro-inflammatory and released by T cells. Next please.

The first study tested whether Tian Xian Liquid could moderate the antigen-stimulated proliferative response of PBMC or T cells isolated from Reu patients. Next please. The slide shows the moderation of PBMC or T cell responses by Tian Xian Liquid. The first result shows that Tian Xian Liquid significantly increases the LP's GTFD or Streptococcus mutant-stimulated PR of PBMC or T cells isolated from Reu patients.

The second finding indicates that Tian Xian Liquid can also significantly reduce the SEB stimulating proliferative response of PBMC or T cells isolated from Reu patients. While it increases others, it reduces XP. However, AHC only significantly enhances the LP's TT and the Streptococcal mutant stimulated PR of PBMC or T cells from Reu patients. Next please.

In conclusion, Tian Xian Liquid can either increase or decrease the antigen-stimulated PR of PBMC or T cells isolated from Reu patients. It has dual-direction immunomodulating effects on PR of PBMC or T cells. This is a very important result. Next please.

The second study tested whether Tian Xian Liquid could moderate antigen-stimulated cytokine secretion by T cells isolated from Reu or Elogen or lichen patients. Next please. Tian Xian Liquid significantly increases PHA or TT stimulated interleukin-10 secretion by T cells isolated from Reu or Elogen patients. The second result shows that Tian Xian Liquid significantly decreases GTFD or streptococcal mutants stimulated interleukin-10 secretion by T cells isolated from Reu or lichen patients. Next please.

The slide illustrates the moderation of T cell secretion of tumor necrosis factor alpha by Tian Xian Liquid. The first result indicates that Tian Xian Liquid significantly increases PHA or TT stimulated TNF-alpha secretion by T cells isolated from Reu or lichen patients. The second finding shows that Tian Xian Liquid significantly decreases GTFD or streptococcal mutants stimulated TNF-alpha secretion by T cells isolated from Reu or lichen patients. Next please.

The slide demonstrates the modulation of T cell secretion of interleukin-6 by Tian Xian Liquid. We found that Tian Xian Liquid significantly increases PHA or TT stimulated interleukin-6 secretion by T cells, while it significantly decreases GTFD stimulated interleukin-6 secretion by T cells isolated from Reu or Elogen or lichen patients. Next please.

The slide shows the moderation of T cell secretion of cytokines by AHC compared to normal control. ASCC could increase the PHA or TT stimulated secretion of interleukin-2, interferon gamma, interleukin-10, TNF-alpha, or interleukin-8 by T cells, but the differences were not significant. Compared to normal control, ASCC could decrease GTFD or Streptococcus mutants stimulated secretion of interleukin-2, interleukin-10, and interleukin-6 by T cells, but the differences were not significant. Next please.

In conclusion, Tian Xian Liquid can either increase or decrease antigen-stimulated cytokine secretion by T cells isolated from Reu or lichen patients. It also has dual-direction immunomodulating effects on cytokine secretion by T cells. Next please.

The third study tested whether Tian Xian Liquid could modulate the killing of tumor cell lines mediated by PBMC, CD4 depleted PBMC, CDA depleted PBMC, purified T cells, and purified CDA positive cells isolated from Reu or lichen patients. The picture shows the modulation of killing of K562 cells by Tian Xian Liquid. The first finding shows that the addition of Tian Xian Liquid at a dilution of 1 to 100 to complete PBMC, CD4 depleted PBMC, or CDA cells from either Reu or Elogen or lichen participants significantly augments the killing of K562 cells, mainly enhancing natural killer activity.

The second result indicates that the CD4 positive cells were involved in the Tian Xian Liquid stimulated killing of K562 cell lines by PBMC from Reu patients. Next please. In contrast, neither CD4 nor CD8 cells were involved in the K562 cell killing stimulated by Tian Xian Liquid from PBMC of Elogen or lichen participants. Next please.

The picture shows the modulation of killing of K562 cells by Tian Xian liquid. The addition of Tian Xian liquid at a dilution of 1:100 to complete PBMC, CD4-depleted PBMC, or CDA cells from either RAU or E patients significantly augmented the killing of K562 cells, enhancing natural killer activity. The involvement of CD4+ T cells was crucial in the Tian Xian liquid-stimulated killing of K562 cell lines by PBMC from RAU patients. In contrast, neither CD4+ nor CD8+ T cells were involved in the Tian Xian liquid-stimulated killing of K562 cells by PBMC from patients with different conditions. This highlights the selective activity of Tian Xian liquid on specific immune cell populations.

The picture also illustrates the moderation of killing of K562 cells by ASCC. The addition of ASCC significantly increased the cytotoxicity of the K562 cell line in an effective cell-dependent manner. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells played important roles in the ASCC-activated killing of K562 cells mediated by PBMC from RAU patients. However, the addition of ASCC to complete PBMC or CDA-depleted PBMC from patients with different conditions did not significantly enhance the cytotoxicity against K562 cells. Moreover, neither CD4+ nor CD8+ T cells were involved in this process, indicating a potential lack of responsiveness in certain patient populations.

This study tested whether Tian Xian liquid could cause apoptosis in tumor cell lines. K562, U937, and CT26 RT1 tumor cell lines were incubated with Tian Xian liquid at a dilution of 1:100 or ASCC at a concentration of 5 µg/mL for 24 and 30 hours. The results showed that Tian Xian liquid induced apoptosis in these cancer cell lines. Notably, it could directly kill the tumor cells but had no harmful effect on normal umbilical cord endothelial cells. This finding is significant for potential therapeutic applications of Tian Xian liquid in targeting cancer cells while sparing normal cells.

Apoptosis detection was confirmed through TUNEL assays, which showed significant DNA fragmentation in treated cells. The TUNEL test demonstrated clear apoptosis in both CT26 and U937 cells treated with the 1:100 dilution of Tian Xian liquid. Similarly, the effects were visually apparent in the apoptosis panel for U937 cells, emphasizing the beauty of the apoptotic process. This confirms that Tian Xian liquid can effectively trigger programmed cell death in cancer cells, which is critical for cancer treatment strategies.

In addition, carcinoma cells treated with 1% Tian Xian liquid for 20 hours exhibited rounding and uneven cell membranes, observable under fast contrast microscopy. Various concentrations of Tian Xian liquid (1%, 0.5%, and 0.2%) showed a dose-dependent induction of apoptosis in large cell carcinoma cells. The results indicate that 1% Tian Xian liquid effectively induces apoptosis, while lower dilutions significantly reduce the effect. This data suggests that the concentration of Tian Xian liquid is crucial for maximizing its therapeutic potential.

Furthermore, multiple cancer cell lines were evaluated for their response to 1% Tian Xian liquid treatment over 20 hours. B-cell lymphoma cells (BJAB) and osteogenic sarcoma cells (U2OS) displayed clear apoptosis following treatment. Similarly, BT474 breast carcinoma cells and other cancer cell lines like MDA MB 453, C330A, and Hela (cervical adenocarcinoma) also showed significant apoptotic responses. This consistent induction of apoptosis across various types of cancer underscores the potential of Tian Xian liquid as a universal therapeutic agent in oncology.

Lastly, certificates and recognitions were presented, including acknowledgments from the International Biography Center and others for contributions in the field of immunology and medical science. The speaker expressed pride in being listed among the 2000 outstanding scholars of the 21st century. Additional awards for achievements in science and healthcare further highlighted their contributions to medical research. The overview of National Taiwan University Hospital’s facilities was also shared, emphasizing its long history and commitment to research and clinical treatment.

Thank you for your attention.

Inne Filmy